WHY AM I HERE?

In the grip of agony and apathy 

When life questions its own  basis 

Frustration kills the vitals 

Alienation is complete and death looms large

Life seems to have reached a blind end 

When it seems all over

Life loses its breath and goes out of gear

I often ask me a question

Why shall I live?

For whom shall I live?

For what shall I live?


Comes a loving voice from within

'My son! to life, you can't say no

Coz it is my gift on which

You have no right and control

You will live because I want you to.

You will live for yourself till you know the truth.

Who you are? 

From where you have come?

To where you will go?

You will be coming  and going 

No respite from the cycle of birth and death

Until you realise the truth

There is neither birth nor death

I am you and you are me 

I, you, he, we, they and the cosmic universe are but one

From a distance we look different

When you come closer

And unveil the veil of maya

The illusion of  duality vanishes and what remains is pure consciousness, single and unalloyed. 

I know it but 

You have forgotten everything under the spell of maya 

And more identify with the body and mind 

Which you are not actually.

When you will realise, you are pure self,

Truth,  Bliss and Absolute

That will be your last day in the cycle of birth and rebirth

Birth and death, this world and that world will lose meaning and you will go beyond space, causation and time.

Father and son, devotee, devotion and the object of devotion, knowledge its source and the seeker will be one.

There will be no two

Only one and one you'

Smruti Ranjan Mohanty©


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