Is it so easy to change habits
Which have been part of you and your life
Is it possible to get the heart out of you
While still alive?
But I am alive though my heart had been
burnt long since
For years I used to ring you twice
After reaching home and
Before leaving for office
Whenever I was late,
I always got your call
There has been no deviation
For the last seventeen years
But I am waiting for your ring
Since that night
But no ring from your side
Have you forgotten me?
Don't you know
How horrible I feel
When I do not get you over the phone?
I am sorry my mother
There has been no ring from my side either
There have been thundershowers
Since you left
I know how horrible you felt
When I was outside
During sun, rain and wind
You used to ask each and everyone including me
To know every bit of me and my safety
I know how restless you were
Till I was safely home
Always been by my side
In my sorrow and happiness
None like you, none can be
You know no one can be like you
Never leave me in my hours of distress
Be with me as before here and hereafter
Since time immemorial you have been
My mother, I am your erring son
Nothing can define me better.
The soul of my soul
Lead me from my heart
Where always you are my divine mother
Smruti Ranjan Mohanty©
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