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Present too much to bear
Future not in vision
Past is my only resort
Where lies the beauty of your touch
My life and love with all its colours
My mother! come near
Take me in your lap
Touch me, touch my body and mind
Tell me a story, I will be in your land of wonder
Don't leave me alone, be with me
I want to bathe in your love once more
I was told
When I was a kid of some months and years
In one side was Yama, Lord of death
On the other side you my loving mother
The tug of war was for years
You made your days and nights speak
Without caring for your bare needs
The Lord of death had to run away
And your unmatched love and commitment
Brought me safe from the jaws of death.
You were on medicine and surgery
With an ailing heart and dwindling brain
You had been fighting against multiple ailment
For twenty seven years
You fought like a lioness agaist the tigress
With equal ease and smile on lips
In your last battle
For the first time I was not with you
Is it the reason my maa
For which you had given up
And the Lord of death got the better of you?
Smruti Ranjan Mohanty
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