Good Morning and Welcome dear adorable readers, members and poetic personalities to “HAPPY SATURDAY WITH AN EMINENT POET” an interview program jointly organized by POEMarium by Dr. Nk Sharma and WRITERS” MIRROR, ASSAM, INDIA

Today we are glad to present an Interview with Smruti Ranjan Mohanty, an eminent poet of international repute from Odisha.

Bipul Kalita:-Good Morning and Welcome dear Sir, to the interview program. Would you say a few words about yourself?

Smruti Ranjan Mohanty:- A very simple man who has accepted life as it is. No complaints, no regrets, no looking back. Happy as I am. Life is full and beautiful amidst duty, plants, pets and poetry.

By the by, I am Smruti Ranjan Mohanty, O.F.S, son of Raj Kishore and Shantilata Mohanty  from Padmapur, Jagatsingpur, Odisha. I work as Finance Officer in Govt of Ofisha. I am a multilingual poet, essayist and writer. My write ups are published in newspapers and in various national and international magazines, journals and anthologies. I write extensively on life and its intricacies. My write ups are regularly featured in Atunis [](, Our Poetry Archive, [](,  GloMag, Setu bilingual magazine, The year of the poet, []( etc. I am a featured poet of the PENTASI B World Friendship Poetry and Year of The Poet, U.S.A. My collection of poems 'A LOOK AT LIFE, SOMETHING I LOOK AT, A LOOK, THE RIVULET, THINK ONCE MORE, THE JOURNEY, AU THARE, AU EKA GAPA, SROTASWINI, JATRA, are in the press.


Bipul Kalita:-Thank you dear Sir for letting us know about yourself. What inspired you to be a poet? Who left an indelible impact on your notional-emotional outpourings?

Smruti Ranjan Mohanty:- My father was a poet. Probably poetry is in my blood. The sufferings and contradictions of modern man, the beauty of love, life and its intricacies inspired me to write poems.

Bipul Kalita:-  Great. Would you say a few words about your father the poet?

Smruti Ranjan Mohanty:- My father late Raj Kishore Mohanty, eldest son of Dhaneswar Mohanty and Durga Devi was born at Padmapur, Jagatsingpur in the year 1930 and left for his heavenly abode in the year 2008. He graduated in Science from Ravenshaw College and worked as a teacher in Alanahat High School. He has composed poems and written essays and short stories which are compiled in ten books. Starting from spiritualism to science and vedic mathematics he has covered different dimensions of life and literature. A great human being, an ideal teacher and a versatile orator he was. Deeply loved and adored by his students all over the world. All his ten books are highly appreciated by readers all over Odisha. His book ' Atita Kathakahe' is a great commentary on The Ramayan which has gone into several publications.

In this poem of mine, I have tried to do justice to the ocean in a teacup, the best man I have ever come across.


BY- Smruti Ranjan Mohanty

Short of words to explain the man he was,

my teacher and father late Raj Kishore Mohanty

happy and contented he was

no looking back, no regrets

for what he had not done

what he had not accomplished

no wishes except a desire

for a calm and peaceful end

to his serene and beautiful life

no complaint against life

nothing against anyone

a life surrendered at the feet of his guru

a life lived for his students

for their well being and betterment

he loved his students

loved going miles on his bicycle

to see his students smile, to solve

their problems, to be with them

when they are in need

never ran after any other identity

a teacher he was, a born teacher

that was the only identity he had

for him, there was hardly any difference

between his own kids and

the students he took care

a son had to elevate himself to

the level of a student to know

what his father actually was

for him veda is mathematics

and mathematics is veda

life is death in motion

and death is life in motion

and one can live and enjoy both

if one has the will to do so

till the very end

lived life to the full

spreading the messages of his guru

working for the triumph of humanity

inspiring others to live and let live

enjoyed his death while in sleep

passed to the other side of consciousness

with head high and a smile on lips

proving his own saying

one can enjoy death the way

one enjoys life

if the surrender is complete

©smrutiranjan 5.9.2018

[Sent from Yahoo Mail on Android](

Bipul Kalita:- Thank you dear Sir. It is a great tribute to your father.
What is your conception of a poem?

Smruti Ranjan Mohanty:- For me poetry is the voice of God on earth. Whatever comes naturally, spontaneously, effortlessly  in its pure and unalloyed form is poetry.


life on earth is poetry
the innate urge to unfold
its grace and beauty is poetry
poetry is the smile on a child's lips
the thread that binds the whole of humanity

poetry is your lover's first kiss
poetry is that pink envelope wherein treasured your love and its beauty
poetry is lover's paradise
a perennial stream of boon and bliss

poetry is those intimate  moments  you share with your love with lips
locked and soul hugging each other
poetry is meadows and mountains,  rivers and rivulets, deserts and oceans and all those which touch you, your heart and soul
with their spellbinding beauty

poetry is that old man's love
who has lost his wife
the anguish, apathy and alienation of
man struggling to live a life
poetry is society, its values and beliefs
sorrows and happiness, unfulfilled desires, shattered dreams and dramas
and hope for a better life

when the earth romances with the first rain
the rays of the rising sun
embraces the blooming lotus, the dancing lily touches  the silver moon, when joy and ecstasy know no bounds, when sorrows become too much to bear, the lines of poetry emerge and take you to a world
hitherto unknown

Smruti Ranjan Mohanty©2019
All Copyrights Reserved

Bipul Kalita:-  Which Classical or Romantic poets impressed you more than others?

Smruti Ranjan Mohanty:- I'm fond of going through Classical poetry. I have a passion for Romantic poetry and particularly, I enjoy reading the immortal works of John Keats, a star of the Romantic era. I'm highly influenced by his Odes, like, Ode To Nightingale, Ode to Autumn, Ode on Indolence, etc. Also, I'm an ardent admirer of his love poems, which have tremendous influence on me. His famous love poem, La Belle Dame Sans Mercy is a magnum plus with an eternal appeal. I appreciate Keats as a nature worshiper with almost an addiction for beautiful objects. Sensuousness, Hellenism, the use of Negative Capability are the characteristics of his poetry which carry me to a different realm of consciousness. I highly appreciate his Bright Star composed on his beloved Fanny Brawne, an immortal piece of work of art. Keats was a pure poet; his pure poetic vision has enthralled me always.

Bipul Kalita:- Do you see any relevance of Facebook poetry in the overall Poetic Scenario?

Smruti Ranjan Mohanty:- Because of Facebook, the future of poetry looks so bright. It is an open platform for all to share one's poems and connect with the rest of the world in no time. Facebook has tremendous potential for future generation poetry.

Bipul Kalita:- How are Facebook poems different from other poems beyond this circle?

Smruti Ranjan Mohanty:-Hardly any difference; the only difference being instant publication of the poem and instant feed back in case of Facebook poetry.

Bipul Kalita:- Do you think that Facebook poems in general and your poems in particular have been properly appreciated?

Smruti Ranjan Mohanty:- It is very difficult to answer this question. Poetry is for succeeding generations. Very few works have been instantly appreciated and very few poets have got recognition in their life time. Time will tell how you fare in the long run, how your poems withstand the onslaught of time. However I am happy the way my poems are loved and appreciated by readers.

Bipul Kalita:- You have gone through the poetic works of globally reputed poets who are writing for different poetic groups belonging to different countries. How do you feel when sharing your views with them?

Smruti Ranjan Mohanty:- For me a good poem is a good poem irrespective of who has composed it. The theme and content of the poem, the way it is presented is more important. How you connect with the readers matters most. There is no problem in connecting with globally reputed poets till the relationship is at par. Till date I am very comfortable with them

Bipul Kalita:- Would you like to comment on the overall standard of poems of the Indian poets who are writing for Facebook groups?

Smruti Ranjan Mohanty:- Indian poets are just too good. They just need a bit more exposure.

Bipul Kalita:-  Please share one of your early / latest poems, preferably a shorter one.

Smruti Ranjan Mohanty:-



someone is dying every moment.
someone is dispossessed of his wealth for all time.
someone is praying for extra years of life.
someone is wishing the whole of the world and its wealth to be his

I know life is not mine,
nor the wealth and power that surrounds me
Life and wealth are Your gifts,
but I claim it as a matter of right.
I know nothing I can possess,
I can only enjoy things that come in my way for some time.
But I intend to grab more and more
and add to life a few agonising years when hands and legs, body and mind will be hardly under my control.
I want to live till my death becomes a necessity, till I become unbearable for others, till the body language and gesture of my own tell me it should be allover as they can't carry me anymore.
Today or tomorrow I will die, bid farewell to this beautiful world leaving everything behind, my wealth, power, relations and friends.
None  will  accompany me, none will wish and dare to
I see people dying,
I know how transitory is pelf and power,
how futile and fragile is human relationship
but still, I boast of these things and wish to have them by all means.

Maa! How spellbinding is your Maya,
that makes me blind to reality.
I forgot you, forgot the purpose of life,
forgot after so many incarnations this human life not to remain engrossed in the worldly world but to move few steps ahead towards truth and eternity.
Most of us revolve around your affluence,
very few come out of it and know the real You that You are, the epitome of bliss, my ever caring ever loving Maa

Unless and until you let me realise
I am You and You are me,
grace me to be at your lotus feet,
to remain as Your caretaker, living every moment as you wish.
Never for a minute let me feel I am the doer,
let the servant remain a servant, live under Your loving shadow, doing his part in Your cosmic venture.
A son is a son till he is matured
I am your immature son, always in your lap
forever, here and after.

Smruti Ranjan Mohanty©
All Copyrights Reserved.

Bipul Kalita:-The Russian-Soviet poet Yevgeny Yevtushenko said, "Poetry is like a bird, it ignores all frontiers". What do you say?

Smruti Ranjan Mohanty:- I agree with him. I think this poem of mine will explain it better


From this side
I am stretching my hands,
from that side, you come forward.
Give me your hand,
we will walk hand in hand
on the path of peace and prosperity
and rewrite the history of mankind.

Neither you know me, nor i know you.
Why so much of hatred and jealousy.
Nothing is common between you and me
except we share the same feelings
to flower and flourish and live
a beautiful life in peace and amity.

I am opening my heart, you open yours,
only a single heart beating for the sake of humanity and the victory of life and love,
nothing in between you and me except our make belief man-made identity

Open your eyes, i am opening mine.
Look at history, written in the blood of fallen martyrs, the battles and wars fought over the years to satisfy a few, their ego, greed  and vanity.

Let us open the closed window to look at each other  and see the sad panorama of human woes and listen to the poignant tales of many, the voice of their wounded hearts and shattered dreams.

My friend! we have every right to dream a better tomorrow, where reign supreme peace, truth and love, no frontier and ego to jealously guard, a just world order, where justice never denied, and equal  opportunity for all irrespective of region, religion, caste, creed and colour

©Smruti Ranjan Mohanty 26.7.2018

Bipul Kalita:-  Is your poetry subjective? To what extent does it mirror the lives of the underprivileged?

Smruti Ranjan Mohanty:- The theme of my poems are man and his contradictions, life, its beauty and intricacies.
I have written extensively on social injustice, economic inequality, racism, women empowerment, widowhood, poverty, illiteracy, political participation etc. In my poems and research paper I have tried to go to the root of the problems and suggested remedial measures for amelioration of poverty and illiteracy and raising socio-economic status of women.

Bipul Kalita:- Noble efforts, no doubt, dear Sir. Have often seen you attending various poetic events. Please share your experiences.

Smruti Ranjan Mohanty:-  Nice meeting friends there and that is all.

Bipul Kalita:- What do you prefer, rhyme or blank verse ? Why?

Smruti Ranjan Mohanty:- It does not matter till you are true to your feelings. Deliberately I have not tried anything rhyme or blank verse. As the lines come I put these in a piece of paper. It may or may not confirm to a specific format. But while editing the poem, I try to make it lucid.

Bipul Kalita:- Ours is an age of experiment. How does this affect the field of poetry? Do you also experiment with your poetry?

Smruti Ranjan Mohanty:- I have never tried to innovate and experiment in my poetry. I always listen to my heart. But experimentation in poetry is good, it will take poetry  forward and update it with the changing needs of time.

Bipul Kalita:- What do you think about the relevancy of our Groups' vision and mission for promoting Gobal Peace,Universal Love and Humanity ? Can poets bring any good through their magical and mighty lines?

Smruti Ranjan Mohanty:- Poets over the ages have been the agents of socio-political change. Throughout human history they championed the cause of humanity. In the present context, with nations having enough weapons to destroy each other many times, poets have a tremendous role to play in promoting global peace and brotherhood. Still they can change the mindset of people the way their illustrious predecessors have done in the not so distant past.

Bipul Kalita:- You are a published Poet .How many anthologies do you have to your credit so far?

Smruti Ranjan Mohanty:- Yes,I am a published poet. More than hundred fifty of my poems are published in various anthologies and journals across the world. Ten of my books are in the final process. These will be on line and in the open market very soon.

Bipul Kalita:- Congratulations and Best Wishes. How do you manage your profession and passion for poetry at the same time?

Smruti Ranjan Mohanty:- In between files, I manage sometime for my passion for poetry and I conceive some lines, put these on my mobile, edit them when I get time. Editing goes on till the poem is published. If you love something, you can always find time for it.

Bipul Kalita:- What impresses you most about our groups and why?

Smruti Ranjan Mohanty:- The way the group conducts itself. The way anthologies are compiled, edited and provided free of cost to the contributors. The way Prof Dr Nk Sharma brings his wisdom and knowledge to play for the cause of literature.

Bipul Kalita:- Do you have any suggestions to offer to the fellow poets?

Smruti Ranjan Mohanty:- No suggestions. Find a work and write poetry. Be practical; never run after false appreciation and recognition that gives one a pseudo identity and  take one miles away from reality. Never neglect your job, profession, family and relationship for the sake of poetry. Let each remain in its place without getting into other's domain.

Bipul Kalita:- Thank you dear Sir for being with us this morning, sharing your precious feelings and thoughts so frankly. Hope to meet you again here with new topics for discussion.


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