SOMETHING I LOOK AT-91 BY-SMRUTI RANJAN MOHANTY From this side I am stretching my hands, from that side, you come forward, give me your hand, we will walk hand in hand on the path of peace and prosperity and rewrite the history of mankind. Neither you know me, nor I know you, why so much of hatred and jealousy in between. Nothing is common between you and me, except we share the same feelings to flower and flourish and live a beautiful life in peace and amity. I am opening my heart, you open yours, only a single heart beating for the sake of humanity and the victory of love and life, nothing in between you and me except our make belief man-made identity. Open your eyes, I am opening mine. Look at history, written in the blood of fallen martyrs, the battles and wars fought over the years to satisfy a few, their ego, greed and vanity. Let us open the closed window to look at each other and see the sad panorama of human woes and listen to the poignant tales ...