Your eyes speak.

The untold story of your life

A life never lived 

A life crucified upon a cross of gold 

Tales of agony and apathy 

Sorrow and alienation 

After a long battle, tired you 

Defeated and resigned to fate

Your fragile body and mind tell it all

You are fully exhausted 

With  very little life in you

No inertia, no motivation 

To go-ahead with life

Its ebb and flow tide..

Have you ever looked at you

Or you only see you

In the mirror of others?

Have you ever lived a life

Which is your own

Or your entire life is for others

For those, you call your own?

When you look at their eyes 

What do you see?

A virtual image of yours 

The real you is somewhere else

Probably in the dreams of your parents 

Look at yourself

The little girl playing with pebbles 

Looking at the sky, counting stars 

Wishing to have the moon in her hand.

Your dreams and fancies 

Wishes and desires 

You have killed long since 

To live other's whims and fancies 

Are you in anyone's dreams?

Are you in anyone's family 

The answer is a sad no

You are only deceiving yourself 

How long you will live in a world 

Which is not yours?

Does your life mean anything to you 

Or every minute of which is for them 

When no one near, physically and mentally 

For whom shall you live?

What shall you do with your life?

When you are reduced to a nonentity 

When no dreams to dream 

When your dreams no more remain yours 

Of what stuff you are made of

Don't you have a life to live

A dream to dream

A wish to fulfil 

A desire to have an identity 

Or you are beyond human limitations 

Don't you have an existence of your own?

Are you above pleasure and pain?

Or you are completely lost

For you no separate you exist

Come on!

Before you reach a point of no return

For a change live for yourself 

And for those for whom you are the whole world.

Come out of the bondage of relationships 

There is a whole world waiting outside 

The story is not over

Find yourself 

Be what you actually are

Identify with the dreams of those 

Who loved you the most

See! how beautiful life is

Be your own priority

Live for that moment for which

You have been waiting long since

Live for your petty wishes and trifling demands

Lovingly nurtured over the years 

Chase the dreams once you dreamt 

Live for that identity 

Which is exclusively yours 

There is nothing in between 

You and your life

Live it as you wish.

Before it fades into nothing

Smruti Ranjan Mohanty©


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