
Showing posts from April, 2021


 A LOOK AT LIFE-114 BY-SMRUTI RANJAN MOHANTY             Bliss  When ego and interest, pride and vanity, Selfishness and jealousy, hide and seek, Mine and thine, falsehood and priority  Come in between,  What remains is not friendship. Friendship is Love and reciprocation  Truth and concern  A will to live and die for each other A commitment to stand by the other  Whatever may be the situation  Friendship is miles away From everything pseudo and negative  Treachery and hypocrisy, lie and flattery  Blessed is one who has the blessing Of a friend in his life. Yes blessed is he Who has found the  heaven on earth Smruti Ranjan Mohanty© Picture-google


 A LOOK AT LIFE-113 BY-SMRUTI RANJAN MOHANTY    FROM NOTHING TO NOTHING I know not Why I sometimes feel Life is pain infinite  Searching for something none  existing  An exercise futile  A venture sad and pathetic  I do not know  Why sometimes I think Life is a misadventure  Never understood  A foregone conclusion  Accepted as a sad reality  A journey in the void  An endeavour wasted  I know not What lets me live When I know I am living for nothing With nothing to accomplish  Why I am living in a relationship  When all relationships are for some time Either they will leave me  Or I will leave them Adding more sorrow and misery  To an already miserable life. Probably life is waiting for that dark night After which there will be no sunshine  I have seen them leaving me one by one My father, my grandfather,  My friends young and old and all Who loved  me and whom I loved They lived...


 A LOOK AT LIFE, -112 BY-SMRUTI RANJAN MOHANTY     LIVING WITH A MASK ON FACE No problem with a mask I have been wearing it  Since the day I realised  I am lonely amidst many And a battle is on A battle to  excel and survive  Which I have to fight on my own The battle is for my survival  As the game is the game Of the survival of the fittest  Rules of the game never remain constant  That is why hiding and escaping are so important  I am having a mask  Since the day I realised  Truth alone can not save me  Righteousness is relative  The truth may be bitter Men of letters, knowledge and wisdom May not come out of their seclusion defending truth Instead, they may prefer dignified silence As the situation and environment  Keep on changing  I do not know who is a friend Who is my enemy I need something else to survive  And hiding becomes a necessity  To understand a situation and people better...


 SOMETHING I LOOK AT-76 BY-SMRUTI RANJAN MOHANTY Let me flatter  The art of flattery if at all i am to master let me master it to flatter my conscience to rule over the mind love over hatred and jealousy modesty over ego and vanity reason over idiocy and irrationality Let me flatter  the inner me to remain away from all that is inimical to man and his development,  respect individual dignity and work for equality and fair play of justice Let me flatter the man within to get over the beast  to find the real i to be in complete harmony with the inner me and the world surrounding To get the best out of me let me  flatter and tame  the wild and irrational  'I' to remain within limits and  allow the man in me to shine and flourish, live and let live copyright smrutiranjan 6.3.2018


 SOMETHING I LOOK AT-32 BY-SMRUTI RANJAN MOHANTY He is a man doing many roles and  so many persons he is,  a son, a father, a brother,  husband and what not. Doing justice to all the roles is what he needs Full of masculine virility, he toils hard and fights against all odds  to make his family happy, conquers the whole world for the woman  he loves, the kids he rears and the family he bears,  but without a bit of feminine tenderness  how incomplete he is?                    Under the scorching heat of sun  and pears of shower he works,  reduces himself to a beast of burden,  never after his own comfort,  gives everything he has to those be thinks him own, can live and die for the woman he loves,  the ability of him  few can question, still, fewer can question his  commitment and   purpose, but questionable is his attitude towards life and the woman he i...


 A LOOK AT LIFE -100 BY-SMRUTI RANJAN MOHANTY      VENOMOUS SNAKE Amidst smile and tears  Ifs and buts  Swings life  A tog of war Between mind and conscience  Sometimes shade Sometimes light  Sometimes hope Sometimes despair  But life is not either Moves on its own Leaving aside  Your moments of happiness and sorrow  Life is  beautiful  But how transient is its beauty  How fleeting the scenario  You just don't know how will be your tomorrow  Without knowing what is in store  You  weave  dreams and plan for years  Knowing well The moment next may not be yours Without brooding over yesterday and Thinking about tomorrow  Live in the present Which is all yours  Life is nothing but the moment at hand Live it with all your heart Life is an encounter  With a venomous snake Charming and captivating  It keeps you spellbound  Keeps you at a fix Never let you know How i...