Thanks and gratitude to Poetry Review, eminent poet and literary critic ma'am Sheri M Stewart for her critical appreciation of my poem 'The Rivulet'. I am truly honoured. Sheri M. Stewart's Review of “The Rivulet” by Smruti Ranjan Mohanty Smruti Ranjan Mohanty presents a common tale but with a unique perspective in “The Rivulet”. This piece needs more than one reading to take in the full picture presented and capture all the subtle nuances throughout. The first five lines in the first stanza capture beautifully what being and becoming a parent can and should be. However there is a catch. Although I missed it in my first reading the catch appears in Line 6 of the first stanza and is explained in the 7th. I think it is first missed because many new mothers get a bit lost in their new roles. Being a mother is a happy and joyous thing. The second stanza caught me by suprise. We move from what should be a picture of a complete and happy family ...