A LOOK AT LIFE-37 BY-SMRUTI RANJAN MOHANTY My dreams so fulfilling you are without you, just a beggar i am how can i fancy living such a long life with the heartless reality pinching and telling me every moment who and what i realy mean? For me you are more real than the real world with you i play and sing, dance and romance in you i see my dreams realised desires satiated but for you i am what i am the king of what i see and sense and have all the fun and colours as and when i wish to have them in you i live my life, in you i will die my death in you lies my fulfillment and motivation to live a life so fascinating you are i just wish to live and die there for you my days are so captivating nights so colourful i crave to live with you forever rather to encounter the heartless spring and hot summer so near copyright@smrutiranjan 19.4.2017