
Showing posts from April, 2020


A LOOK AT LIFE-37 BY-SMRUTI RANJAN MOHANTY My dreams so fulfilling you are without you, just a beggar i am how can i fancy living such a long life with the heartless reality pinching and telling me every moment who and what i realy mean? For me you are more real than the real world with you i play and sing, dance and romance in you i see my dreams realised desires satiated but for you i am what i am the king of what i see and sense and have all the fun and colours as and when i wish to have them in you i live my life, in you i will die my death in you lies my fulfillment and motivation to live a life so fascinating you are i just wish to live and die there for you my days are so captivating nights so colourful i crave to live with you forever rather to encounter the heartless spring and hot summer so near copyright@smrutiranjan 19.4.2017


SOMETHING I LOOK AT-77 BY-SMRUTI RANJAN MOHANTY Together we were together we will be the transition in between nothing but a journey from illusion to illusion from one dream to the other In my sojourn temporary and illusory met many called them mine people came and moved away relationships cultivated and endured but what remains is you and me the only relationship that is beyond space and time The sun that shines the moon that soothes the flower that blossoms the stream that flows the people and things possessions, feelings and emotions i call mine love and infatuation, tears and smile i endure and relish the whole cosmic universe, still a mystery are but limited subject to space, causation and time But you and i are together in the lap of each other when there was no time we will be with each other when there will be no time our relationship is beyond all variables, independent of everything i  see and feel and what lies beyond copyright@sm...


A LOOK AT LIFE-77 BY-SMRUTI RANJN MY MOHANTY        MY WORLD Do I have anything Except for your love? Do I need to have anything Anyone else When you are with me Bathing my body and mind In the perennial stream of love? What if If they do not love me? Do I need anyone's concern? With all your affection surrounding me I feel as if I am the king of my destiny The monarch of what I see When you are around I have the whole world Joy and ecstasy revolving around me I feel intoxicated With the  wine of your love No desire to come out of the spell To face reality before I say my final goodbye. It is your smile That gets me going It is your presence That is so soothing You stand majestically In between heaven and hell Life and death For me nothing matters You are the means and end The path and destination When you are near There is no death Even the shadow of death is far away Only love and life all the way. My past, present and...


SOMETHING I LOOK AT-63 BY-SMRUTI RANJAN MOHANTY From peace, we have come in peace, we will merge let there be peace in between from cradle to the grave let life be a journey for peace and peace only Let there be peace and love all the way in the air, we breathe in the flowers we see in the light that nourishes in the nature that sustains in our beautiful mother earth that gives us everything we need Let there be an end to all those lovingly nurtured over the years negative emotions, acquisitive instincts ego, selfishness, false vanity pride and jealousy that put an invincible barrier between us and land us in our solitary asylum a living hell where hardly humanity lives Let there be peace first with the individual, the family spread its fragrance in the larger society love all, speak the language of love others will emulate and the whole world will be yours it is nothing but love that conquers Peace everyone needs at the end of the day it is the ...


SOMETHING I LOOK AT-74 BY-SMRUTI RANJAN MOHANTY Let me listen to the voice within my conscience whispering every minute to be at peace with me and people around with birds and animals, meadows and mountains, trees and creepers with everything and every being i come across let me internalise the values of the society love, reciprocation, peace and brotherhood to make the world a better place to live in Let me put an end to my struggle with negativity in all its form ego, hatred, jealousy and explore the man in me let me be a pigeon of peace moving every nook and corner with my wings of love spreading the message of peace and brotherhood wherever and with whomever i am A man at peace with himself knows what peace means to him and others which a man at constant war with himself can hardly fathom Nothing like peace and love it conquers the whole world and make you the man you are cultivate it and spread its grandeur if you want to save the world so dear ...