Thanks and gratitude to Prof Cijo Joseph Chennelil, eminent poet and literary critic for his fabulous critical appreciation of my poem 'A LOOK AT LIFE-1'. Thank you very much sir for your wonderful words. Smruti Ranjaniji, Your poem titled"A Look At Life-1"is a poem that envisages a world filled with cherished principles of life.All the material pleasures of life don't give us that ultimate union with the blissful being,for that everything that is worldly must be done away with or eschewed to the core,when we leave behind the desires and ways of the world,the true happiness surely would descend down upon us slowly but surely.It is time to go back to the drawing board in the sense that we need to go back to nature and should live a life in sync with nature all the ways,just think about the primitive human beings,in fact they didn't have tensions and worries and they always lived a life in consonance with nature,we present day human beings do have so many p...