A LOOK AT LIFE-164 BY-SMRUTI RANJAN MOHANTY There is no end, the end is only delusory, what we call end, is only a beginning. No darkness, darkness is only the absence of light, light sleeps inside the womb of darkness and manifests itself when darkness realises its flimsiness. No hatred, no jealousy Only absence of love No negative feelings and emotions Only absence of positive thinking No alienation, no depression Only absence of a sense of belongingness And lack of self-realisation No hurdles at all, only lack of willpower. No barriers, only challenge to confront life. It's significant, how we assess our potentials and ignore the obstacles which come our way. Unveil the veil You will only find yourself To your right you are. To your left you are You are in front and behind the back You are everywhere On earth In the sea and air Smruti Ranjan Mohanty© India 10.11.2021 http...