SOMETHING LOOK AT-96 BY-SMRUTI RANJAN MOHANTY I AM A WIDOW Do i need to be told what to do, what not to, how should I look, what to wear, what to eat, how to interact and conduct in this heartless world of yours? For you he was just another man, a friend in the fair weather. You have lost just a friend. Do you know what have I lost? I have lost my whole world. With him gone my wishes, my passions to live a life. But I am breathing, breathing for the sake of his love to keep him alive Have you ever fathomed a woman's love for her husband. No man has ever been able to do so and you are just another of the same species. You can never understand what he meant to me. I don't even expect you to understand. Lett me live with my tears. They are exclusively mine. Let them drench me with all his colours. Even at the cost of the world, its wealth and splendour I can hardly part with it, part with my emotions, my feelings, half of my heart and soul. D...